Digital Health Canada volunteers like Robin Laird, Director of eHealth, Clinical Operations, Health PEI, are key contributors to the quality of our many events.
Robin is an active and generous presenter and moderator at the annual Digital Health Canada Atlantic Regional Conference and has served on the conference’s event planning committee for three years. Robin also shares the Atlantic region perspective nationally through her contributions to the e-Health 2024 Program Committee.
Digital Health Canada asked Robin about the value of volunteering: “When you volunteer and get involved in groups, it provides an opportunity to stay engaged; it almost forces you to! When you are involved, you attend more sessions for sure that you might not have made the time for otherwise. You also get to know the people better that are volunteering on the various committees with you, and you can form some very key relationships; relationships to connect about related projects, ask questions or seek advice from.”
Said Robin: “Within my internal work environment, I have sought out feedback on what people want to see as conference topics, speakers, etc.—which helps you stay current with trends. I have made connections with folks in similar roles as myself from other provinces, but also with external parties, such as researchers and developers.”
Thank you for your contributions, Robin!
The opportunity to volunteer is one of the benefits of Digital Health Canada membership. Meet our other volunteers here. Learn more about volunteer opportunities here.