Frequently asked questions about the Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems – Canada credential

Select any of the questions below or watch the YouTube playlist.

What is CPHIMS-CA? What are the benefits of attaining CPHIMS-CA? Do employers recognize CPHIMS-CA? How is HIMSS involved? Is the CPHIMS Exam international? What content does the CA (Canadian Supplemental) exam cover? Who is eligible to write the CPHIMS-CA exams? How do I write the exams? When can I write the exams? What is a special administration? Are the exams paper or electronic? Are there study materials I can use to prepare? When will I receive my exam scores? What happens if I pass one of the exams, but fail the other? Will I receive a certificate? What designation can I use after my name once I successfully complete both the CPHIMS and Canadian Supplemental Exams? Do I need to be a Digital Health Canada member to write the exam? Do I need to renew my certification?


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