May 6, 2024

Volunteer Spotlight: Keltie Jamieson

Digital Health Canada Fellow Keltie Jamieson has volunteered as a Digital Health Canada member for several years. She contributed her time and expertise as a member of the Digital Health Canada Board of Directors and on the CHIEF Executive Forum Advisory Committee; she has presented multiple times during Webinar Wednesday and is CPHIMS-CA certified. Keltie says volunteering has enabled her to form connections with digital health professionals from across Canada.

I have connected with many people from the digital health industry and beyond internationally. This has brought me opportunities to collaborate, learn and secure employment. I have made long lasting friendships and connections in every province in Canada.

About Keltie

Keltie is the Chief Information Officer with Bermuda Hospitals Board and has a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & healthcare industry across Canada. Keltie is skilled in Healthcare Management, Strategic Planning, Patient Safety, Education, and Public Speaking. Keltie holds a master’s degree focused on Leadership from Royal Roads and is currently enrolled in her Master’s of Patient Safety and Human Factors at the University of Edinburgh.

Volunteering builds experience, contributes to your professional development and learning, and helps you expand your network. Learn more about Digital Health Canada volunteer opportunities here. Meet more volunteer members here.