Make valuable connections across the Canadian digital health ecosystem.

StartUp* Membership benefits include membership for two individuals and complimentary display space and passes for two to a Digital Health Canada event with opportunities for face-to-face time with industry leaders from across the spectrum of public and private Canadian digital health organizations.

To inquire about StartUp Membership, please contact Dino Falvo at

Unique Benefits for StartUp Organizations

Benefits for Individuals

Benefits that CONNECT Benefits that INSPIRE Benefits that EMPOWER

* StartUps are defined as organizations with annual revenue of less than C$1M, with 10 or fewer full-time employees. Qualifying organizations can enjoy Startup status for two years before moving on to Group Membership.

** Display includes a table-top and power. Display space is dependent on availability and venue capacity. StartUp organization must identify their event location preference with their annual membership renewal. Any travel expenses incurred in relation to event participation are the responsibility of the StartUp organization.