Build your profile
Complete your member profile to let other members know who you are.
More6 steps to optimizing your member experience.
Attend Webinar Wednesdays to develop your knowledge of the Canadian health ecosystem.
MoreUpdating your profile in the member database ensures that your information is fresh and accurate, allowing other members to connect with you more easily. It also helps the association develop programs and communications to better suit your needs and preferences.
Presented by members, for members, Webinar Wednesdays are a popular member benefit and a great way for member organizations to share their work, research, challenges, and updates. Attendance and access to past webinar recordings are free for all Digital Health Canada members.
As a Digital Health Canada Member, you are part of a thriving community driving positive change and innovation in Canadian digital health—start making connections with other members today! Plug into the online Member Community to instantly connect with a network of professionals, access Webinar Wednesday recordings, and start or contribute to discussions with other digital health professionals dedicated to enabling digital healthcare in Canada. Start building your cross-country network today.
Practice lifelong learning with Digital Health Canada to elevate your professional skills; improve your expertise; understand the role of digital health; identify knowledge gaps; contribute to your own career growth; learn proper terminology; and prepare for the CPHIMS-CA credential exam.
In-person networking is one of the best ways to realize the value of your membership. Our mission to connect, inspire, and empower digital health professionals comes to life at every one of our annual events. Digital Health Canada events connect the digital health professionals who are creating the future of health in Canada, offering networking, inspiring speakers and presenters, and the empowerment that comes with continuous learning and professional development.
Professional volunteering builds experience, contributes to your professional development and learning, and helps you expand your network. Digital Health Canada offers members the opportunity to volunteer in multiple capacities. Members can present a Webinar Wednesday; join a Community of Action; publish their work or thought leadership pieces on the Digital Health Canada website; volunteer as a Digital Health Canada Faculty member; join an event planning committee; and volunteer to adjudicate award or speaker submissions. As one of the hosts of the annual e-Health Conference and Tradeshow, Digital Health Canada offers members the opportunity to volunteer on the e-Health Conference Program Committee and Abstract Committee, and to moderate sessions or volunteer onsite at the next e-Health Conference.