Certified professionals need continuing education to stay at the top of their field and grow the profession. Why not align your organization with the only North America-wide professional certification for health informatics and digital health professionals? Offer Digital Health Canada-approved Continuing Education hours for your course or event and become a trusted source of education for digital health professionals.
Continuing Education Providers meet high standards for curriculum quality and value and are recognized as official sources of Continuing Education (CE) hours to be used towards Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems – Canada (CPHIMS-CA) credential renewal. CPHIMS-CA signifies that a professional has the skills, knowledge and abilities to perform safely and effectively in a broad range of practice settings. Certified individuals must renew the credential by earning 60 Continuing Education hours every three years from an approved education provider.
Increase the value of all your digital health-related content by partnering with Digital Health Canada to offer learners Continuing Education units they can apply toward certification renewal. Learning Partner CEP status includes:
- Media release and blog post announcing your organization as a Digital Health Canada Learning Partner
- Up to three social media posts announcing your organization as a Digital Health Canada Learning Partner
- Your logo with a link to the URL of your choice featured on digitalhealthcanada.com
- Webpage at digitalhealthcanada.com with links to your content
- Content hosting in the Digital Health Canada LMS Content Library
- Banner ad on Digital Health Canada LMS Dashboard
- Approval to use the Digital Health Canada Learning Partner image on your content or website
How to become a Learning Partner Continuing Education Provider
- Read the terms of agreement
- Send proof of eligibility by email to education@digitalhealthcanada.com
Prepare the following information for each event under consideration for Continuing Education Provider status (content should align with one of the Digital Health Canada Core Health Informatics learning modules): Conference title and location; Conference schedule, session titles, and speaker bios; Conference learning objectives/key outcomes (250 words or less).
- Step Three: complete your purchase
Learning Partner CEP Status is $4,800 plus tax for Digital Health Canada members; $5,000 plus tax for non-members. Complete your application by processing your payment through our secure store (please note that receipt of payment indicates that you have read and understood the Terms of Agreement).
Increase the value of all your digital health-related courses, diploma, or program by offering learners Continuing Education units they can apply toward certification renewal. Curriculum CEP status includes:
- Your logo with a link to the URL of your choice featured on digitalhealthcanada.com
- Content hosting in the Digital Health Canada LMS Special Feature section
- Promotional image on Digital Health Canada LMS Dashboard
- Approval to use the Digital Health Canada Continuing Education Provider image on your content or website
How to become a Curriculum Partner Continuing Education Provider
- Read the terms of agreement
- Send proof of eligibility by email to education@digitalhealthcanada.com
Prepare the following information for each event under consideration for Continuing Education Provider status (content should align with one of the Digital Health Canada Core Health Informatics learning modules): Course title and syllabus/outline; Course learning objectives (250 words or less); Instructor biography (250 words or less).
- Step Three: complete your purchase
Curriculum CEP Status is $1,750 plus tax for Digital Health Canada members; $1,950 plus tax for non-members. Complete your application by processing your payment through our secure store (please note that receipt of payment indicates that you have read and understood the Terms of Agreement).
Increase the value of your digital health-related conference or event by offering attendees Continuing Education units they can apply toward certification renewal. Conference CEP status includes:
- Your logo with a link to the URL of your choice featured on digitalhealthcanada.com
- Your event listed on the Digital Health Canada events calendar
- Promotional image with link on the Digital Health Canada LMS dashboard
- Approval to use the Digital Health Canada Continuing Education Provider image on your content or website
How to become a Conference Continuing Education Provider
- Read the terms of agreement
- Send proof of eligibility by email to education@digitalhealthcanada.com
Prepare the following information for each event under consideration for Continuing Education Provider status (content should align with one of the Digital Health Canada Core Health Informatics learning modules): Conference title and location; Conference schedule, session titles, and speaker bios; Conference learning objectives/key outcomes (250 words or less).
- Step Three: complete your purchase
Conference CEP Status is $1,350 plus tax for Digital Health Canada members; $1,550 plus tax for non-members. Complete your application by processing your payment through our secure store (please note that receipt of payment indicates that you have read and understood the Terms of Agreement).
Increase the value of your internal workshops or seminars by offering employees Continuing Education units they can apply toward certification renewal. Workshop CEP status includes:
- Your logo with a link to the URL of your choice featured on digitalhealthcanada.com
- Approval to use the Digital Health Canada Continuing Education Provider image on your content or website
How to become a Workshop Continuing Education Provider
- Read the terms of agreement
- Send proof of eligibility by email to education@digitalhealthcanada.com
Prepare the following information for each event under consideration for Continuing Education Provider status (content should align with one of the following Digital Health Canada Core Health Informatics learning modules): Workshop series, duration, frequency, location and demographic; Workshop learning objectives/key outcomes (250 words or less); Presenter bios.
- Step Three: complete your purchase
Workshop CEP Status is $750 plus tax for Digital Health Canada members; $950 plus tax for non-members. Complete your application by processing your payment through our secure store (please note that receipt of payment indicates that you have read and understood the Terms of Agreement).