What our members have to say

Photo of Jeff Kavanagh

Digital Health Canada has been a really fantastic membership for us. It's been invaluable through the years as we have sought to connect with other companies, with government, and with other groups.

Photo of Gavin Tong

Digital Health Canada Membership has given me the opportunity to meet the people driving the change in the industry and understand the why of what we do—which has been invaluable throughout my career.

Photo of Shelagh Maloney

I have been a member of Digital Health Canada for almost my entire career. Membership has given me so many opportunities to meet people from across the country and learn about what things were going on.

Photo of Anne Forsyth

Digital Health Canada is truly a community that connects, inspires, and empowers, and I am so glad to be a part of it.

Photo of Mary Simchison

Digital Health Canada provides valuable information for members throughout the Canadian healthcare industry through a set of diverse educational courses. We enrolled our associates in the Digital Health Virtual Care certificate course, and it was well received by our associates and beneficial in their career growth.

Photo of Farrah Pirani
Farrah Pirani
Google Cloud

Healthcare has been a top priority of Google for many years. We’ve made it part of our mission to work with organizations like the [Digital Health Canada's] CHIEF Executive Forum to expand access to quality care and improve health outcomes across Canada.

Photo of Kevin Jones
Kevin Jones
Strata Health

Digital Health Canada and more specifically the CHIEF Executive Forum, provides a venue to discuss challenges, brainstorm solutions, and interact with peers at a senior level in Canadian Healthcare. The pan-Canada membership enables to group to share successes and failures which in turn advances digital health for all Canadians.

Photo of Scott McMillan
Scott McMillan
Cercle Groupe

The CHIEF Executive Forum is a safe place to listen to, reflect on and express difficult healthcare issues with other healthcare leaders and influencers. It allows me to ensure that Cercle Group is in-tune with the needs of the Canadian healthcare industry, and enables all members to express their points of view for an overall collective learning.

Photo of Wendy Tegart
Wendy Tegart
Alberta Health Services

Digital Health Canada gives health informatics professionals a community to support the launch of innovative ideas and technology. The conferences, forums and committees allow our members to tap into a diverse community of experts for knowledge sharing.

Photo of Lynsey Turchet
Lynsey Turchet
TELUS Health

No matter what stage you are at in your career—whether you are someone just starting out, or a seasoned HI executive—here are so many opportunities within Digital Health Canada for professional growth and development.

Photo of Cindy Beloff-Draycott
Cindy Beloff-Draycott

Being part of a professional association with well established, well regarded, influential professionals is important as we, as a professional community, promote and advance health information.