We build strategic alliances in digital health
Working with valued industry partners helps Digital Health Canada meet the Strategic Plan pillars of Leadership for Industry, Excellence for Members, and Acting for Equity. Please contact us if you wish to inquire about partnering with Digital Health Canada.
Our partners
Digital Health Canada collaborates with the following key partner organizations to bring resources to our members, expand our network, and fill knowledge gaps by co-leading resource development work.
Alberta Network for Health Information eXchange Society (ANHIX)
The Alberta Network for Health Information eXchange Society (ANHIX) is composed of professionals who are advancing high quality healthcare, improved patient experience and outcomes across Alberta through emerging healthcare technology. Digital Health Canada partners with ANHIX to bring an annual conference to the Alberta-region digital health professionals.
Canada Health Infoway (Infoway)
Infoway is an an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government. Infoway works with governments, healthcare organizations, clinicians, and patients to make healthcare more digital in order to facilitate faster, more seamless, and secure information sharing. Digital Health Canada partners with Infoway and CIHI to host the annual e-Health Conference and Tradeshow
Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL)
The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL), a national member-driven non-profit association, is the connected community that develops, supports, and inspires health leaders across Canada. The College strives to provide the leadership development, tools, knowledge and networks that members need to become high impact leaders in Canadian healthcare.
CCHL and Digital Health Canada formed a strategic alliance to expand health care leaders’ capabilities in Canada and strengthen knowledge sharing across communities of digital health leaders. Through this agreement, Digital Health Canada members receive a reduced registration fee for the Certified Health Executive (CHE) Program and members of each organization will receive preferred rates for key events.
Both Digital Health Canada and CCHL share a common interest in ensuring that Canada’s health leaders have the skills, knowledge and education needed to contribute to Canada’s healthcare system through ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. Together, they grow and extend the connections between communities of of health leaders and digital health innovators and provide connections, content, and other opportunities.
Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA)
The Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA) represents more than 5,600 health information members from coast to coast to coast. It advocates for the health information profession, monitors industry trends, develops and facilitates continuing education, creates networking opportunities, and connects its members with employment opportunities in the health care sector and beyond
CHIMA and Digital Health Canada have a collaborative agreement in support of their common interest of ensuring that Canada’s health information and health informatics professionals have the skills, knowledge, and education needed to contribute to Canada’s health care system through ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.
Through this agreement, Digital Health Canada and CHIMA recognize one another’s professional development content for appropriate continuing education credits and deliver relevant thought leadership to each other’s respective membership communities.
College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME)
The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) is the professional organization for Chief Information Officers and other senior healthcare IT leaders. Digital Health Canada’s CHIEF Executive Forum has CHIME International Chapter status. Select CHIEF Executive Forum events are included as credit towards the CHIME CHCIO, CHISL, and CDH certification programs.
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides comparable and actionable data and information that are used to accelerate improvements in health care, health system performance, and population health across Canada. Stakeholders use CIHI’s health system databases, measurements and standards, and evidence-based reports and analyses in their decision-making processes. Digital Health Canada partners with Infoway and CIHI to host the annual e-Health Conference and Tradeshow.
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) is a global advisor, thought leader and member-based society committed to reforming the global health ecosystem through the power of information and technology. HIMSS administers the Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS) portion of Digital Health Canada’s CPHIMS-CA (Canada) credential. The CPHIMS-CA credential validates professional competency to respected international and Canadian criteria; maintaining the credential signifies that you have the skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform safely and effectively in a broad range of practice settings.
Partner with Digital Health Canada
If you are interested in partnering with Digital Health Canada on education content, sponsorship, or events, please tell us about your organization here: