Devon Haag, Manager, Digital Public Health Program, BC Centre for Disease Control
Category: Leader
To be a true and visionary health leader in Canada today requires a strong commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, and demonstrably acting to reduce the impacts of colonization, anti-Indigenous and other forms of racism in the healthcare system. This is particularly important in the area of Digital Health, given the challenges still faced by many Indigenous people and communities in accessing internet and broad-band access to digitally- delivered health services, which furthermore are not typically designed with the needs and cultural safety of Indigenous people in mind. Devon Haag is such a leader, who has become one of our strong allies at the BCCDC and has shown in her work a true dedication to these principles and continued growth and leadership in this area over the time that we have known her.
Devon’s skills and expertise lie in relationship-building, putting the end user first, and bridging the gap between clinical services and technology implementation. She strives to ensure that public health needs are represented at digital health planning tables in BC. She also has a strong interest in anti-racism, anti-Indigenous-racism and reconciliation, and is committed to incorporating this ethos into all aspects of her work. Outside the office, Devon can be found hiking and paddling the wilds of BC and planning her next outdoor adventure.