Peter Smith
The CHIEF forum provides a venue and dialogue with some of the top digital health leaders from across Canada. It has been instrumental in helping me to develop relationships with these key people. The topics of discussiona are timely and interesting. Strata joined as a founding member many years ago, and I stepped into the meetings in 2015.
I have Finance degree from University of Calgary, and spent most of my career working for small technology start ups. Most of my working experience has been related to Business Intelligence, Analytics, IT Services, and Technology. I spent 3 years early in my career working for Calgary Lab Services which gave me exposure to healthcare. I joined Strata Health 7 years ago as the VP Technology and found my time work at the lab was very useful domain experience. In July of 2019, I took over as President and CEO of Strata Health. I like working in digital health because there are such great opportunities to make a big difference in Healthcare with digital technology.
Strata Health is using digital technology to enable better access to care. We focus on enabling more effective and efficient transitions of care as a patient moves from one healthcare provider to another. Healthcare challenges are universal and it is very rewarding to provide our services around the globe in more than 5 countries now and counting. Strata continues to invest in our products and people to ensure we are the best of what we do.