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November 1, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT



Mainpro+® Accreditation
This session is part of the Webinar Wednesday Healthcare Innovation Rounds series and has been certified for Mainpro+® credit.

Continuing Education Units
Earn One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) for attending this webinar. Content from the webinar aligns with Core Health Informatics Topics: The Canadian Healthcare System, Information Technology, Analysis and Evaluation.

Webinar Wednesday attendance is one of the benefits of Digital Health Canada Membership. Not a member yet? Join Digital Health Canada to enjoy Webinar Wednesdays and other benefits of membership.

Webinar Wednesday Healthcare Innovation Rounds – Virtual Assistants for All! Leveraging Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Primary Care


November 1, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT



Our healthcare system requires modernization to improve health human resource capacity to provide high quality, equitable access to care for patients. In this session, we will discuss the digital tools that exist to reduce burden on clinicians and staff and enhance the care that is provided to patients.


  • Welcome and intros (5 min);
  • Presentation by speakers (with accompanying slides) (35 minutes);
  • Participants interactive Q&A (questions and comments via chat feature and active moderation from professional webinar moderato) (10 minutes);
  • Participant polling to engage and assess learning outcomes (to engage participants in the topic, contribute participant experiential data into the discussion) (10 minutes).
  • Session close and participant survey sent via email follow-up (includes assessment and feedback on interactivity and participate engagement)

Learning Objectives:

  • To identify the digital health tools that are available to support clinicians to reduce administrative burden
  • To describe how artificial intelligence is being used in healthcare
  • To discuss what the future opportunities are to leverage automation and artificial intelligence
