The Consortium Santé Numérique – Université de Montréal (Digital Health Consortium) is happy to celebrate the one-year anniversary of its first International Symposium by sharing with you the resulting Call-to-Action for Responsible Innovation in Digital Health. The preparation of this Call to Action would not have been possible without the contribution of some 40 experts during the International Symposium held in January 2020 and in the Expert Groups discussion that followed.
This Call to Action is intentionally short, its goal being to offer various partners (public decision-makers, academic partners, industry, citizens, clinicians, etc.) possible solutions to focus on key measures for a digital evolution in health, along with some of the main elements to be implemented.
Le Consortium Santé Numérique – Université de Montréal est fier de souligner l’anniversaire de son premier Symposium international par la diffusion d’un court document Appel à l’action pour une innovation responsable en santé numérique proposant cinq pistes ayant fait consensus et invite de la sorte à agir ensemble pour accélérer la cadence de la transformation et devenir un modèle de santé numérique qui soit responsable.
Je télécharge le document en français